September 20th-23th 2016
September 5th – 7th 2016

August 13th 2016
Aquaponics presentation at the farmers day in Saudarkrokur North Iceland
June 4th-5th 2016
Aquaponics presentation at the Iceland Ocean Cluster in Reykjavik in collaboration with students from the School of Arts.
May 20th 2016
Presentation by Thorarinsdottir about aquaponics development in Europe and Iceland at Holar University College, Saudarkrokur, North Iceland
April 2016
Interview with Ragnheidur Thorarinsdottir by Dagny Gisladottir about EcoPonics published in April 2016 in the Icelandic journal I bodi natturunnar,
March 22nd 2016
Presentation by Thorarinsdottir about aquaponics development in Iceland at the International conference Aquaponics – Research matters held in Ljubljana, Slovenia
January 16th 2016
Presentation by Thorarinsdottir about aquaponics at Mengi, Reykjavik for students and teachers from the School of Arts.
October 20th-23th 2015
Presentation at Aquaculture Europe 15 in Rotterdam, Netherlands given by Dr. Ragnheidur Thorarinsdottir on Analytical innovation system framework analysis on commercial aquaponics development in Europe, Thorarinsdottir, R.I., Kotzen, B., Milliken, S., Kopina, M. and Pantanella E.
October 13th 2015
A film from the COST FA1305 training school on Commercial Aquaponics: How to Develop a Business Opportunity (September 2015). Filmed and produced by Oliver Halsey.
October 12th 2015
Interview with Isak Mar Johannesson and Ragnheidur Thorarinsdottir about EcoPonics by Dominique Plédel Jónsson published in the Icelandic journal Gestgjafinn,
September 24th 2015
Our aquaponics pilot units were presented to the many guests visiting our office at the open house at the Iceland Ocean Cluster. The pak choi was extremely well welcomed by the guests. Isak, Ragnar and Ragnheidur told about the systems and the ideas behind the concept. The aquaponics game developed by university students was presented and also photos from our pilot units in Sudavogur in Reykjavik and the greenhouse farm Akur in South Iceland were shown. Many thanks to the many guests that came to our office!
August 20th 2015
Aquaponics Practical Guide by Fernando Sustaeta Breen, published by Tknika
August 15th 2015
A new publication Aquaponics Guidelines has been published in collaboration with aquaponics specialists from the COST Aquaponics Hub. The printed publication can be ordered by e-mail to (EUR 30) and is available free of charge in electronic form below.
June 5th 2015
IGFF´s aquaponics presented in the Danish industry journal Gartnertidende
May 29th 2015
April 22nd-23rd
Dr Paul Rye Kledal presented his results on aquaponics economics and viability and Dr. Ragnheidur I Thorarinsdottir presented the preliminary results on analytical innovation system framework analysis on aquaponics at the COST FA1305 The EU Aquaponics Hub meeting held at the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. Furthermore, Ms Beatriz Diaz from Breen presented the results from dietary tests in aquaponics and Mr Simon Goddek and Daniel Coaten PhDs at the University of Iceland presented their PhD projects.
April 10th 2015
April 1st 2015
Fresh okra and tilapia were presented for visitors on the formal opening of the third phase of The Iceland Ocean Cluster at Grandagardur 16 in Reykjavik. The okra is growing well providing excellent products. Okra is a well known health product, but not a well known product on the Icelandic market so far. Further tests on concumer acceptance are planned and three different types of okra will be tested during the summer/autumn 2015.
March 17th 2015
INNTV visits the Aquaponics System at the Iceland Ocean Cluster
February 2015
Ragnheidur, Ragnar and Soffia presented the aquaponics concept to Soknarfæri.
Minnsta fiskeldisstod landsins
February 10th 2015
Akvagroup Ltd. visiting the IGFF test plant with Chinese aquafirm and aquaculture university professors.
December 18th 2014
PlantLab visiting the IGFF test plant discussing future cooperation prospects as well as planning for the Copenhagen Urban farm tour on the 16th of March 2015 combined Ecoponics and Leonardo.
December 15th 2014
DTU-Aqua visiting the plant for discussing the possibilities of using IGFF test plant as a research facility on RAS for their MSc and PhD students.
December 3rd 2014
The commercial horticultural producer LEGRO Ltd. visiting the IGFF test plant for discussing the possibilities of IGFF moving into their production plant and testing aquaponics on a more industrial scale based production.
November 25th 2014
Breen presented at the Television Program Sustraia.
November 19th 2014
Copenhagen Hospitality College visiting the IGFF test plant for discussing possibilities of setting up a 130 m2 aquaponic production at their compound as part of their education of cooks, New Nordic Kitchen and understanding the ‘farm to fork’ concept with own fresh produce.
October 17th 2014
September 8th 2014
July 22nd 2014
Article in Fréttablaðið (Icelandic newspaper)
July 16th 2014
Article in Morgunblaðið (Icelandic newspaper)
July 2nd 2014
Article in Fréttablaðið (Icelandic newspaper)
June 30th 2014
Design of Breens aquaponics development at Tknika.
June 18th 2014
May 20th 2014
Presentation at the Municipality of Kopavogur in Iceland
April 28th 2014
Presentation for representatives from Austurbru in East Iceland
April 22nd 2014
Presentation at the Municipality of Seltjarnarnes in Iceland
April 16th 2014
Interview in the local newspaper “El Diario Vasco”, about Breen and this project,
March 28th 2014
March 28th 2014
Presentation for the Municipality of Reykjavík
March 25th 2014
Aquaponics seminar at Solheimar
March 24th 2014
Radio interview on RÚV – Rás 1, Sjónmál
March 20th 2014
Presentation at Impra
March 19th 2014
A double perspective on Erasmus for young entrepreneurs. Interview on Unitee blog.
March 11th 2014
Visit of the President of Iceland, Olafur Ragnar Grimsson, to Iceland Ocean Cluster
March 4th 2014
March 4th 2014
Radio Interview in Bylgjan – I bitid
February 2014
January 23th 2014
Morgunbladid (Icelandic newspaper)
January 21st 2014
Lecture on: ‘500 years of Urban farming in Denmark’, Grøn Hverdag, Copenhagen
January 17th 2014
Presentation at Iceland Ocean Cluster – guests included politicians and administrative people from municipalities, representants from public media and the minister of industries and innovation in Iceland
December 16th 2013
Interview in Casos de Éxito, BREEN, innovación en cultivos acuícolas
December 11th 2013
Presentation on ‘Aquaponics & Urban farming’, Seminar at SLU University Alnarp Community, Sweden
December 2013
November 22nd 2013
Thorarinsdottir, R.I., Direct use of Geothermal Energy for new businesses, presentation at the University of Iceland,
October 9th-11th 2013
Thorarinsdottir, R.I., Aquaponics based on geothermal energy, 2nd NordicRAS in Aalborg, Denmark
October 6th 2013
October 1st 2013
Interview in the local newspaper in Grimstad Norway