Author Archives: admin

The Association of Commercial Aquaponics Producers established (ACAP)

During the Aquaponics Meeting in Iceland the four SMEs IGFF from Denmark, AqVisor from Norway, BREEN from Spain and SVINNA from Iceland established a collaboration platform for European Aquaponics companies. The board members elected are: Dr. Paul Rye Kledal, Jan-Morten Homme, Fernando Sustaeta and Dr. Ragnheidur Thorarinsdottir.

Successful aquaponics seminar

The aquaponics seminar at Solheimar was very successful. The participants came from aquaculture, horticulture, administration, universities and also hobbyisAquaponics_seminar_Solheimart working with hydroponics and even small aquaponics systems were present at Solheimar.  Moreover, many volunteers and employees at Solheimar participated.  Thanks to all for interesting presentations and fruitful discussions!


The slides from presentations are available below.

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Aquaponic seminar in Iceland on March 25th

The EcoPonics group will participate in an Aquaponics seminar to be held at the ecovillage Solheimar in Iceland on March 25th 2014. The one-day seminar offers many interesting presentations on fish welfare, plant choices, monitoring and controlling a healthy environment, certification of production and how to build a system. Presentations will be held by experts from Spain, Denmark, Norway, Iceland and Netherlands. The seminar is open for all interested parties, but limited up to 50 participants. Registration is needed through before March 1st.  The programme will be presented by February 1st.