Successful COST FA1305 training programme on commercial aquaponics

Iceland COST (63)15 trainees from different European countries participated in the COST FA1305 Training Programme on Commercial Aquaponics held at the Ecovillage Solheimar in South Iceland September 8th-12th. The Training Programme was organized by Dr. Ragnheidur Thorarinsdottir, Prof. Kristin Vala Ragnarsdottir from the University of Iceland, Dr. Paul Rye Kledal from Institute of Global Food and Farming in Denmark and Mitja Kopina from Ponika in Slovenia.

Iceland COST (27)The group visited the aquaponics pilot unit designed and built by Svinna-verkfraedi Ltd and students from the University of Iceland at the greenhouse farm Akur in South Iceland. The tilapia, salads, tomatoes, okra and other products from the pilot unit were grilled at site by the group – Excellent Slow Food.

Iceland COST (52)The group also visited Fridheimar, a greenhouse producer that has opened the doors to tourists offering delicious tomato soup and telling the 20 years story of the company. Moreover, the trainees got to see and learn about the sustainable energy in Iceland based on geothermal and hydro power and about the nature and story. The last night of the course the sky opened an extraordinary aurora borealis show as a special treat to us after a great weeks work.

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